Grace's Missionalamo World Geography
Home »Year 1 » Geography
We suggest that you use a good world history atlas so that your students can have practice at the skill of using maps and legends. Click the link below for our recommendation. The next choice is to use the supporting links that you find here. Please only let your student look at the teacher map in Map Aids as a last resort.
Holman Bible Atlas: Colorful maps and informative text provide valuable information for those studying Bible history. This is a spine text for Year 1 that your rhetoric students will use over and over again. Younger students can use this to find map labels. 298 pages HB.
GeneralGreat resources for the entire year!
Online Maps, Map Vendors, and More!
- A real treasure: Study guide for the Holman Bible Atlas! This is a 69-page pdf download file.
- More great outline maps: easy to use and nice and clear!
- a great site which will be lots of help in all four of our year-plans.
- Geography Dictionary: great site for geography terms. Click on the letter of terms you are searching for.
- Another neat site: MegaMaps. Print up maps from the size of a single page to 7 feet across!
- Imperial History of the Middle East: Who has conquered the Middle East over the course of world events? View this 90-second flash presentation!
Name and locate the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas. Use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries, as well as the oceans studied at this key stage.
- Grace Dent (born 3 October 1973) is an English columnist, broadcaster and author. She is a restaurant critic for The Guardian and from 2011 to 2017 wrote a restaurant column for the Evening Standard.She is a regular critic on the BBC's MasterChef UK and has appeared on Channel 4's television series Very British Problems. Dent has written 11 novels for teenagers, and her first non-fiction.
- Wow, we did this entire episode without even mentioning the Great wall of China. THANKS TO for sponsoring Geography Now!
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Week 1: Curtain Rises on Egypt: Gift of the Nile
- A helpful site for geography terms.
- Great site on Egypt.
- Egyptian Wild Animals
- Egyptian Flora
- Mineral Resources and Imports and Exports of Egypt.
- Longitude and Latitude: glossary, activity, and answers
- The history of irrigation, shadufs and farming.
- Investigate the Nile in this Interactive Story.
- Search for precious materials in the Jeweler of Memphis.
- Simple clickable map of Egypt.
- Need to learn about the black and red lands of Egypt? Click here for maps and helpful information.
- Outline map of Egypt.
- Outline map of Africa (pdf file).
- Here is a .pdf file to download if you need a blank world map.
Week 2: Pharaohs & Pyramids
- A topographical map of Egypt.
- Maps of the Middle East and Egypt.
- Egypt for kids
Week 3: Egyptian Polytheism & the Judgment of God
- Colorful and informative site for pyramids and temples.
- Egyptian gods shows a chart of which deities were associated with the surrounding geography or wildlife.
- Pharaoh's Obelisk from NOVA TV.
- Pyramid Design and Excavation from NOVA.
Week 4: Creation Through Noah
- An animated map of plate tectonics that helps LG & UG kids get an idea of how it might have happened.
- Parents: preview sites, as may have different viewpoints. Animations showing possible breakup of Pangea. Read USGS site here. Also look at NASA's version.Try out NASA's kid page.
- Possible locations of the Garden of Eden: a biblical perspective.
- Recommended site for detail about the descendants of Noah, as well as a map.
- Noah's descendants.
- Scroll down just a bit to 'The Ancient World' to see the see where the sons of Noah settled.
Week 5: Abraham & Ancient Mesopotamian Civilizations
- More helps for learning about Mesopotamia: this site has an interactive map and interactive dramatization of crop management.
- Ancient trade routes that merchants took between the Persian Gulf and Egypt.
- Drastic consequences from climate change - more general information.
- Harvest dates as possible indications of climatic change in Ancient Mesopotamia.
- Mesopotamian climate change
- Ancient Mesopotamian foods includes recipe for making Baby Goat Stew - yum!
Week 6: The Patriarchs: From Canaan to Egypt
- Simple geography of the Promised Land.
- Detailed map of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
- Trace Abraham's journey here.
- Unique geography of the Promised Land explained here.
Week 7: In The Wilderness: The Tabernacle & the Law
- No objectives
Week 8: In The Wilderness: Holiness - Worshipping God as God
- No objectives
Week 9: In The Wilderness: Slaves to Warriors
- The Exodus from Egypt.
- Outline map of Egypt for review purposes.
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Week 10: The Indus Valley, Hinduism, & Buddhism
- Very helpful map of the Canaanite tribes.
- Here's a map of many Canaanite/Phoenician towns and cities
- More geography on India for you to peruse.
Week 11: Ancient China: Confucius & Taoism
- Map of China.
- Discover the beauty of the land of China.
- Geography of China
- Most of the places listed in the Student Activity Pages are found here.
- Blank outline map of China.
- Enchanted Learning's Quiz Printout of China.
Week 12: Ancient Americas
- Scroll down just a bit for some maps of where the Inuit lived.
Week 13: Early Greek Cultures of the Bronze Age
- Maps of Ancient Greece: links here and here.
- Maps for the Odyssey.
- Map Quiz printout from Enchanted Learning.
Week 14: Early Greek Cultures of the Archaic Period
- Aegean Sea: links here and here.
- What is a 'Mediterranean climate'? Click here to find out.
- Great .pdf maps for the Aegean Sea.
- National Geographic for Kids: Greece
- Mainland Greece.
- Geography of the Greek Peninsula
- The Greek Islands
Week 15: The Promised Land: Conquest & Settlement
- Topographical map of Israel
- Very helpful map of the Canaanite tribes.
- Map of Canaanite/Phoenician towns and cities.
Week 16: Israel's Judges and Neighbors
- Ancient Near East site maps that you can download and use for map work this week.
- Ancient Israel: map
- Israel: blank outline maps from
- The 12 Tribes of Israel.
Week 17: The Rise of Saul & the Philistines
- Geography of the Book of Samuel.
Grace's Mission Alamo World Geography History
Week 18: King David and the Phoenicians
- Map showing Phoenician trade routes.
- Map showing Phoenician trading empire: colonies and lands they controlled.
- A comparison map showing the division of the 12 Tribes and the Empire of David and Solomon
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Week 19: Solomon's Divided Heart
- One map that may help you this week
- A comparison map showing the division of the 12 Tribes and the Empire of David and Solomon
- Trace the path of the International Coastal Highway.(click on the map to enlarge)
- Trace the path of the King's Highway.
Week 20: The Divided Kingdom
- Map of the divided kingdoms
Week 21: The Assyrian Scourge: The Northern Kingdom Is Deported
Week 22: The Chaldeans (New Babylonians) and the Babylonian Captivity
Week 23: The Medes and Persians: The Israelites Return Home
- Really neat interactive map showing the Silk Road
- Great map of the Persian Empire at its height. Shows the Royal Road.
Week 24: Persians and Greeks: The Persian Wars
- Map shows the interactions between the Greeks and Persians.
- Links to several maps of the Ancient Greek World.
- Excellent website about Ancient Greece: click on 'geography'
Week 25: The Golden Age of Greece and the Peloponnesian Wars
- Enchanted Learning's 'Map of Greece Quiz/Coloring Printout'
- Excellent website about Ancient Greece: click on 'geography'
- This map shows the natural resources of ancient Greece that helped them create enduring work of art and architecture. (Click on the natural resources map)
Week 26: Greek Achievements: Science, Mathematics, and Philosophy
Week 27: Alexander the Great: Preparation for Proclamation
Grace's Mission Alamo World Geography Facts
- The Extent of the Hellenistic Empire under Alexander.
- Alexander's Kingdom (after his death)
- Philip Arrhidaeus (Philip III)
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Week 28: The Etruscans and the Founding of Rome
Grace's Mission Alamo World Geography Textbook
- Map of the Etruscan League and cities. GREAT!
- Latium territory information can be found here.
Week 29: The Roman Republic: Everyday Life
- No objectives this week
Week 30: The Roman Republic Expands: The Punic Wars
- Map of the Carthaginian Empire.
- WONDERFUL interactive atlas of the scope of the Punic Wars. Click on the bullets below the map and get a super picture of the interactions between these two rivals over the span of about 150 years. Outstanding!
- The Pyrenees Mountains, Strait of Gibraltar, Bay of Biscay, and Mediterranean Sea are found on this map.
- Rivers of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands are found on this map.
- Path of the Punic Wars
Week 31: From Republic to Empire
Week 32: Imperial Rome: Backdrop to the Atonement
- Map of the Roman Empire in the time of Jesus.
- One more excellent map that will help you this week. Don't miss this one!
Week 33: The Zenith of Imperial Rome: Backdrop to the Early Church
- Neat map showing the spread of Christianity.
- One of several online maps showing Paul's missionary journeys.
- Color map of Paul's first or second missionary journey.
- Blank outline map for labeling the Mediterranean World (pdf file)
Week 34: Rome Decays: Saints and Martyrs of the Early Church
Grace's Mission Alamo World Geography Park
- No objectives this week
Week 35: Christianity Conquers Rome: Of Church Hierarchies
- The Division of the Roman Empire.
- Where is Constantinople located in today's world?
Week 36: Western Rome Falls: Theology and Church Councils
Grace's Mission Alamo World Geography Park
- Maps of the Roman Empire.
- Review Units 3 and 4.
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Grace's Mission Alamo World Geography Project
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