Download Free Odt To Doc Convertersarah Smith

File converter/Documents/Convert to ODS/DOC converter/ ODS to DOC
or drag and drop file

Odt To Doc Converter Freeware

You can convert ODS file to DOC as well as to variety of other formats with free online converter.

Step 1

Upload ods-file

Download Free Odt To Doc Convertersarah SmithOnline
Select ods file, which you want to convert, from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or drag and drop it on the page.
Step 2

Online and free odt to doc converter Fast and easy Just drop your odt files on the page to convert doc or you can convert it to more than 250 different file formats without registration, giving.

The older versions of Microsoft word do not support ODT format files and one cannot read them. To overcome this difficulty one can utilize ODT to DOCX converter and read them easily. There are many online converters as well as installable converter software available. To know more about these ODT to DOCX converters one can search Google using “odt to doc converter”, “odt to docx. ODT Viewer is a simple viewer for viewing OpenDocument text (.odt) files. The usage is very simple. Additional, this software can convert the ODT file to HTML format, users can save the ODT file. Convert Odt To Doc free download - PC Doc Pro, Batch DOCX to DOC Converter, Convert MP3, and many more programs. Given the fact that ODT To Doc Converter is not free, you would expect be provided with basic tools, at least. All in all, ODT To Doc Converter is a good program that does its job very well.

Convert ods to doc

Select doc or any other format, which you want to convert.
Step 3

Download your doc-file

Wait till your conversion process will be completed and click download converted doc file.

Online and free ods to doc converter

Fast and easy
Just drop your ods files on the page to convert doc or you can convert it to more than 250 different file formats without registration, giving an email or watermark.
Don't worry about security
We delete uploaded ods files instantly and converted doc files after 24 hours. All files transfer with secured an advanced level of SSL encryption.

Doc Converter Free Download

All in the cloud
You don't need to install any software. All ods to doc conversions make in the cloud and don't use any resources of your computer.

OpenDocument Spreadsheet

File extension.ods
File categorydocuments
DescriptionThe OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS) file system was developed by the Oracle Corporation as an escape from the numerous proprietary spreadsheet applications available in the software market. Since it is open-sourced, free that is, and XML-based – meaning it is a file format supported on webpages. In more recent years, the ODS format is used for storing and fetching data on internet databases. The major merit is that it supports not only spreadsheets, but added features like charts, and graphical contents similar to those found on Microsoft Excel.
Technical detailsSince files are based on the XML format of data processing, which earns it a first place as the spreadsheet, charts, and word processing format on webpages. The HTML and ODF formats are both XML-based, which explains their compatibility. The OpenDocument Format (ODF) is an open-source standard developed by the Organisation for the Advancement of Structural Information Standard (OASIS). The first release of OASIS’ ODF was in May 2005. ODF supports the representation of files as subdocuments; these come with file extensions like .odt and .fodt – OpenDocument Text, .odp and .fodp – OpenDocument Presentation, .ods and .fods – OpenDocument Spreadsheet, .odg and .fodg – OpenDocument Graphics.
Microsoft Office 2010
Main programOpenOffice Calc
DeveloperSun Microsystems
MIME type

Microsoft Word Document

File extension.doc
File categorydocuments
DescriptionDOC – is a special extension corresponding to the documents created in the text editor Microsoft World, up to the 2007 version. This format stores information about the formatting of a text document - paragraphs, lists, indents, alignments, and much more. Microsoft Word DOC files can include textual information and numerous images, graphics, scripts, and diagrams. DOC is an extension in the binary file format, which begins with an information block that acts as a key element of the entire collection of data files. Such binary files include a relatively large amount of information about the formatting of a text document. Traditionally, the extension has become widespread for creating text-format documents in a wide range of OS. In this format, files are opened by any, including modern versions of the Word editor or its analogs from free packages like Open Office, Libre Office, or utilities like Corel WordPerfect.
Technical detailsThe first versions of the DOC file format prioritized the content of the formatted text. Still, over time, a large number of built-in objects were added to it, among which both diagrams and graphs are found, as well as various media files (sounds, video). Files with the DOC extension can contain data about the merge so that the word processing template can be used together with the table or database.
Programs Writer
Apple Pages
Main programMicrosoft Word
MIME type


Firstly, select a ods file you want to convert or drag and drop it. Secondly, select doc or any other format you want to convert your file to. Then click convert and wait until your file is converted
Documents conversion usually takes a few seconds. You will convert ods to doc very quickly.
🛡️ Is it secure to convert ods to doc on OnlineConvertFree?
Sure! We delete your uploaded and converted files, so nobody has access to your information. All types of conversion on OnlineConvertFree (including ods to doc) is 100% safe.
📱 Can I convert ods to doc without software installation?
Absolutely! OnlineConvertFree doesn’t require installation. You can convert any files (including ods to doc) online on your computer or mobile.

Download Free Odt To Doc Convertersarah Smith Mountain Lake

ods converter